How to Make a Baby Smile for the First Time
Many babies treat their parents to their first true smile when they're between six weeks and eight weeks old (one and a half to two months old). However, all babies are different, so don't worry if your little one takes a bit longer than this. In particular, if your baby was born prematurely, they may need a few extra weeks to get the hang of it.
You may spot what looks like a smile at any time from birth, and it may even seem like your little one is grinning in their sleep. It's thought that these early "smiles" are just the natural facial expressions babies make when they're passing wind. When your baby really smiles at you, it's known as a "social smile", and it can be a truly magical experience.
There are a few little clues as to whether your baby's facial expression is a true smile or not. Firstly, are they paying attention to the world around them? If there's an obvious reason why they're smiling – for example, you've just given them a big smile yourself – it could well be the real thing.
Another way to tell if it's a smile or just wind, is to look at your baby's eyes. If they're really smiling, the joy in their eyes can be a real giveaway!
How your baby learns to smile
Your baby wants to communicate with you and can express their feelings from the moment they're born. And they're a fast learner! Your baby will attempt to copy your facial expressions straight after birth.
Babies make facial expressions when they're in the womb, and your baby will have been practising these months before their birth. So if your newborn is looking at you with a wide-eyed, interested look, they may well respond to your smile, or copy you if you stick out your tongue.
If you want to encourage your baby to smile and communicate with you, look for times when they are calm, yet bright-eyed and alert. If they're tired, hungry or overstimulated, they probably won't feel much like smiling. When your baby is relaxed and looking around with interest, hold them opposite you, with their face close to yours (about 30cm apart). Give them a big smile, and talk or sing to them. It doesn't matter what you say, or if you're tone deaf – your little one just loves to look at your face and hear your voice.
In the early weeks, your baby will probably be fascinated by you, and may just stare intently as you talk or sing. But the more you interact with them, the more they'll learn, and it won't be long before you see that first real gummy grin!
More on your baby's milestones:
- Learn what other new skills your baby will develop in the first six months.
- Find out when you'll get your first toothsome smile!
- Discover when your baby will be able to sit up, roll over and crawl.
Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a keen interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate about ensuring that every child gets the best start in life.
How to Make a Baby Smile for the First Time
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